Monday, November 9, 2020


Careers in information technology have so much potential for growth as well as the possibility to earn a high income. I used to have a career working downtown, and I hated the commute. I would sit at my desk and dream of a job where I could sit at home and work in my pajamas. I would wish for a job that did not require me to literally get my feet wet on my way from the train to the office. I was moving up in the workplace, but I was not happy. When I investigated jobs that work from home that paid a living wage, I always would see information technology at the top of the list. This was before the pandemic, and not everyone was looking to work at home. The lists of jobs would usually start with IT specialist or web developer (Wells, 2020). Therefore, I am interested in this field. I want to work at home, and I want to make a lot of money. This post will go over jobs related to computer operations, hardware, programming languages regarding application and software jobs, database management, and network management and security.

The creation of computers opened endless possibilities. They originated form telephone switches and become giant tabulating machines. Computers now have gotten much smaller and faster. The switches have become chips and are as small as a pin head (Vahid & Lysecky, 2017). For the most part, a hardware developer would require a bachelor’s degree and they make $110,379 on average per year. This job path can lead to software developer, consultant, and even senior project manager. (Zappia , 2019) A hardware engineer might even create new hardware and lead in the charge in modern computer technology.

Software application developer is one career with a lot of potential. This job utilizes programming languages such as Java, JavaScript and Python.  It only requires a bachelor’s degree, and the average salary is $105,590 (Malvik, 2020). I am extremely interested in this career path and when I do a simple search of jobs on, I see remote possibilities with a salary of $116,000 - $142,000 per year. This is quite a fresh take compared to when I attempted to find a job after receiving my degree in psychology. There were no jobs available, and they did not pay even half as much. There are many other options as well including network system administrator, computer programmer, and computer systems analyst that range from $83,000 - $96,000 on average per year.  These jobs all use programming languages and offer opportunities for growth.

When discussing database jobs, it only makes sense to mention MySQL as it is appears to be the most popular. When searching jobs for database engineers, they all seem to mention MySQL which uses SQL. It looks like these jobs are still lucrative, but these careers range greatly with salaries. Some jobs available in databases are SQL data analyst salary with a median salary of $73,278 per year, data modeler making $119,200 per year on average, and data scientist averaging $116,295 per year (Economic Research Institute, 2020). These jobs include creating, maintaining, and analyzing database information.

Some of the best work at home jobs involving information technology are in network architecture and security. A system has transmission hardware and protocols, software, and infrastructure. Network architects ensure that communications run smoothly. This job has yearly average income of $113,223. One thing to note is that this career may require a master’s degree. It shows that 42% have a bachelor’s degree, while 29.6% have a master’s degree (Zippia, 2020). Information Security Analysts jobs are going to be a growing field in the next 10 years, and they make $99,730 on average per year (US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2020). This growing field has a lot of appeal.

There are so many options to choose from when deciding which information technology career is the right one for me. When the qualifications include working at home and a bachelor’s degree, there are still a great amount of possibilities. All of these jobs have high salaries and open job markets. This post went over jobs related to computer operations, hardware, programming languages regarding application and software jobs, database management, and network management and security.


Economic Research Institute. (2020, November 9). Data Modeler Salary. Retrieved from Economic Research Institute: 

Economic Research Institute. (2020, November 9). Data Scientist Salary. Retrieved from Economic Research Institute:

Economic Research Institute. (2020, November 9). SQL Data Analyst Salary. Retrieved from Economic Research Institute:

Malvik, C. (2020, 7 13). 9 Programming Careers for Coding Connoisseurs. Retrieved from

US Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2020, September 1). Information Security Analysts. Retrieved from US Bureau of Labor Statistics:

Vahid, F., & Lysecky, S. (2017). Computing technology for all. Retrieved from

Wells, L. (2020, July 9). 20 best work-from-home jobs. Retrieved from Bankrate:

Zappia . (2019, August 30). Computer Hardware Developer. Retrieved from Zappia The Career Expert:

Zippia. (2020, October 22). Network Architect. Retrieved from Zippia the Career Expert:



In the film Hackers (Softley, 1995) the characters used A denial of service (DoS) attack to distract the IT specialist during the final virtual battle scene. The characters had hackers all over the world unite to send ping requests and overload the system. The servers were overloaded. The Hackers used these pings as a distraction to upload viruses. They used a distributed DoS botnet to access the website at the same time from multiple computers (Vahid & Lysecky, 2017). This was one type of attack that can be executed using ping commands. 

This post will discuss DOS attacks, phishing, and social engineering. A DOS attack is accomplished by sending a bunch of access requests at the same time to one website. This causes the website to be overloaded, and then valid requests are denied. This type of attack can be used to harm or annoy a company or government, and most countries have law prohibiting this type of attack. This is one reason that it is so important to enable information and system securities (Vahid & Lysecky, 2017).  Computer systems are vulnerable to this type of threat because it does not require getting into the system, only to send pings to overload it. When hackers use more than one computer, it increases the damage. This also makes it harder to find the true source of the hackers responsible.  One potential solution, although not  guaranteed to eliminate the entire threat is  to enroll in DOS safeguard services that find strange traffic flows and send them away from the network. Another potential solution is to create a Disaster Recovery plan to mitigate damage and provide a quick recovery (Security Tip (ST04-015), 2019).

Phishing is a scam used online that attracts a computer user to reveal confidential data such as a credit card number, social security number, or a password. One frequently used phishing method emails people pretending to be a legitimate organization such as PayPal, Amazon, Bank of America, UPS, the government, or a person's own employer. Sometimes the Scammers change one letter of the email address. For example, they might send the email from deposit@BanofAmerica, leaving out the letter “k” in bank. One example of a phishing scam includes emailing to ask for money to borrow and the promise of sending more money later. This is knowns as a 419 scam or a Nigerian scam. If the phishing scammer gets a person’s password, they gain access to bank accounts, email accounts, and other accounts. “The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center reported that people lost $57 million to phishing schemes in one year.” (How to Recognize and Avoid Phishing Scams, 2019). It is more the users and companies that are vulnerable to this type of threat than computer systems. One solution is to use email services such as Gmail that automatically filter out suspicious emails and automatically move them to spam. Another solution is to inform users of the threat. One company that I used to work at tested the employees by sending a phishing scam to see how many people would give their password. They sent the email from the IT department, and it looked legitimate. Many people fell for the phishing scam. They were lucky that it was only a test. Once people know about the scam of phishing, they are less likely to fall for it.

Social engineering often goes hand in hand with password cracking and malware. It is convincing people to tell private information that may be exploited for illegal purposes. Some hackers know that people are the weakest link, not the computer system itself. One of the most famous social engineering attacks shows how social engineering works. In 2014, Sony Pictures was hacked.  North Korean hackers aimed a phishing attack. They did not want the movie The Interview (Rogen & Goldberg, 2014)to be shown in theaters. The hackers used phony Apple ID emails sent to the IT administrators at Sony Pictures Entertainment to get passwords and login usernames. This is how they stole data and posted it online (Top 5 Social Engineering Attacks of All Time, 2017).They wanted to affect social change and used hacking techniques to manipulate Sony. Social engineering usually refers to a person trying to gain access to a computer system in person or on the phone by talking. Hackers sometimes show up on site at a location and attempt to gain entry to the building and then the computer. They can do this by pretending to be a new employee, a repair person, or a delivery driver. This can be prevented by making workers aware of the threat of hackers. Informing workers that they should never give out passwords, even to the IT department can help. My current job requires everyone to watch an interactive training video to show people how to avoid this type of scam. The video goes over ways to avoid being scammed such as being suspicious of phone calls asking for passwords, phishing emails, and malware attachments. It advises to look at email senders and not click on attachments if not completely necessary. It gives alternatives showing how to share files. These are all good ways to help avoid social engineering. (Security Tip (ST04-014) Avoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks, 2020).

Many of the network security solutions are the same. Making workers aware of the threat and how to avoid falling for a scam are the main solutions. It is also helpful to have a software that helps people to avoid potential risks or divert strange internet traffic. This post went over DOS attacks, phishing, and social engineering. 



How to Recognize and Avoid Phishing Scams. (2019, May). Retrieved from Federal Trade Commission Consumer Information:

Rogen, S., & Goldberg, E. (Directors). (2014). The Interview [Motion Picture].

Security Tip (ST04-014) Avoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks. (2020, August 25). Retrieved from CYBER SECURITY & INFRASTRUCTURE SECURITY AGENGY:

Security Tip (ST04-015). (2019, November 20). Retrieved from CYBERSECURITY & iNFRASTRUCTURE SECURITY AGENCY:

Softley, I. (Director). (1995). Hackers [Motion Picture].

Top 5 Social Engineering Attacks of All Time. (2017, November 2). Retrieved from Cyber Security Educationguides:

Vahid, F., & Lysecky, S. (2017). Computing technology for all. Retrieved from




 The educational industry would not be able to function during this pandemic without computers. Not only do teachers and students require computers to learn safely at home, these computes must have updated technologies to enable learning.  I work in customer service for an online learning platform. I get calls from teachers, administration, students, and parents about how to access the online content. The biggest call drives are teachers attempting to access the digital content that gets assigned to students. For example, a teacher will call in and ask how to access the online math content purchased by the district. I would walk through how to request an account on the educational platform, get it approved, create a class, assign work to the students, and grade the assignments.  This industry is constantly changing in real time. One big change that happened this year was forced by the software Flash being discontinued. Almost all the platforms use some version of flash in my industry. They had to completely revamp the system to enable teacher and students continued use. Another major change is that during the pandemic many schools switched to online learning nearly tripling the amount of traffic on the websites. This also increased the phone support needed for customer service. Many districts had purchased digital content, but teachers were not using it. When they faced work at home conditions, many teachers wanted to access the digital content that will now and moving forward be a staple in most United States classrooms.

Computers are an integral part of online learning. Teachers and students use desktops, laptops, Chromebooks, tablets, and phones for learning in a way that most current adults did not utilize. During the pandemic it has become the normal routine to have classrooms online. It is essential that teacher and students have updated computers and fast enough internet services to use online classrooms.

During the pandemic it is now a requirement that teachers are computer literate. They must be able to at least open an online room such as zoom or adobe. It is essential they can set up the classrooms. A teacher must be able to grade the online content submitted. It is even better if they are more familiar with the platform and can send out videos and readings to the students. I can not even count how many of the teachers told me on the phone that last year the students were not allowed to come back to the school to get their books. This year, the teachers stated that they are not using physical books at all, due to fear of the pandemic spreading the virus. Teacher and students are relying on the online content making computer literacy a requirement as well.

In the future, I am guessing that the online platforms will become even more sophisticated. Currently there is not a way for teachers to share personal content with each other. Teachers can use the pre-made tests and quizzes but update them to delete questions or add questions. The teachers can not share the updated quiz or test with other teachers through the platform. Some content has a copyright on it, and can not be downloaded. In the future, I am guessing that more content will be able to be shared and downloaded. More teachers will stop asking to print assignments and start looking at digital content only. Districts will most likely make the classes more standardized and teachers will have less authority to change the content themselves. As computers become more modernized, they will probably become smaller and lighter. Teachers and student might use their phones for classes instead of computers at all. If this happens, then my predictions will be that phones get bigger screens.


 While running the ping and traceroute commands it was simple, due to the directions given. They were so easy to follow. I have never run a traceroute before, but this was remarkably interesting. The internet communicates with billions of other computers. Every computer has an IP address and creates internet packets. The packets include a packet type, data, and an address. The computers understand how to send the packets, and the sometimes take different routes depending on the traffic (Vahid & Lysecky, 2017).  Looking at the ping tests and traceroute, it looks like geographical location does matter. If a destination website is closer to the United States such as google it can take as little as 9 ms, while a website in France can take as long as 120 ms. The further the location geographically, the more hops it will need to travel, and the longer it will take. Although it all still goes extremely fast generally speaking. This is just measuring milliseconds.  There does appear to be some exceptions to the geography affecting speed,  but the Australian site pinged at the same average as I did my ping tests in the early morning around 8am CT. When It tried it later in the day, it was a little be slower. I am thinking the amount of traffic at different times throughout the day affect the speed.

One example where I personally witnessed a ping test was at work. I work from home and the computer they sent me would not connect to certain websites. I allowed the IT department to take control of my computer remotely, and they ran a ping test. This way they checked if the computer they sent me was the issue, the website they wanted me to go to, or the internet itself. The ping test showed that my internet was working fine, but the computer had a firewall that blocked me from accessing the websites they wanted me to use. Reasons that ping requests or traceroute command might time out or return with an error response are problems with the internet connection, the end computer or website is down, a firewall, routing problem with the network, or an internal error with your own gateway (Internet Broadband Reviews and Guides, 2020).

  • Number of packets sent and received: 4
  • No packets were lost.
  • Speed ranged from 13-19ms
  • Hopped to 11 routers and was complete.

The ping test for

  • Number of packets sent and received: 4
  • No packets were lost.
  • Speed ranged from 13-20 ms
  • Hopped to 9 routers and was complete.

The ping test for

  • Number of packets sent and received: 4
  • No packets were lost.
  • Speed ranged from 119-120 ms.
  • Hopped to 15 routers and was complete.


Internet Broadband Reviews and Guides. (2020). Retrieved from Internet Broadband Reviews and Guides:

Vahid, F., & Lysecky, S. (2017). Computing technology for all. Retrieved from


Wednesday, October 28, 2020


Computer applications allow a user to input information. Word Processors and presentations will let users format fonts and spacing as well as add pictures. Presentations have the capability for animations and slide transitions. Spreadsheets and databases let users create organized information. Spreadsheets have options to develop and execute formulas, while databases are meant to enable efficient information retrieval. This paper will discuss each application's advantages and disadvantages, the most appropriate application software for documenting a journal entry about a day, and scenarios that would be best for each application (Vahid & Lysecky, 2017)

Word Processors and presentations have an advantage when allowing formatting and adding pictures. They are easy to use, and a person can just start typing. If looking to customize the font, spacing, and formatting, both applications offer these functions. They both also easily integrate pictures. Presentations have the advantage of animation. This does make the presentation more exciting but also more time consuming to create. Spreadsheets and database applications organize data. When making a spreadsheet, the functions can be added seamlessly. This is extremely useful for large data that needs to be combined. Most desk jobs require using spreadsheets at some point, in my experience. Databases are good when making a website for someone else. Databases would not be a the right choice in every sitiation. A journal entry would be at a disadvantage in the database application from Microsoft's Structured Query Language, MySQL. It just wouldn’t make sense to use MYSQL for a day in the life, it is more appropriate for a store owner to record sales.

When starting this project, I felt that Microsoft Word, the word processor, would have been the best application for documenting a day in the life journal entry assignment. I found that the PowerPoint presentation was the best. I like how I could be more creative by adding animations and personalizing the slides. It became more decorative and showed my day with a little bit of humor. This fits my personality better than only formatting the fonts in Microsoft Word. I liked to see my day divided up into hours in Microsoft Excel as well. I was surprised to see how much time was dedicated to sleeping when I felt like I could have slept a lot more. Microsoft Excel, the spreadsheet would be my second favorite. The word document was the least favorite, after all.

Word processors are ideal for writing papers for classes. I especially like the options to format the references. I would not try to write my paper in Excel or PowerPoint. I use Excel constantly for work. I am in recruiting, so I create documents all the time with candidate information in each column. Excel makes it easy to include many statistics such as first name, last name, phone number, email address, state, and if they already initiated the background check. I can easily sort by the state to ensure that I have no candidates in states we do not hire for. PowerPoint is great for meetings. When I present data to the team or attend a meeting, this is an efficient yet attractive way to show all the information in a certain order.. It is also beneficial to show the data with a nice background and pictures. This keeps the meeting more interesting. A database would work best for organizing shop data. I have an Etsy shop, and I currently use a spreadsheet, but setting up a database will help me be more organized in the future. I would be able to easily input information, search, and delete it. This would be a great scenario to use a database. There are so many scenarios that each of these applications would the ideal fit. The options are endless.

Computer applications such as Word Processors, presentations, spreadsheets, and databases are literally a blank canvas with limitless possibilities. This paper went over each application's advantages and disadvantages, the most appropriate application software for documenting a journal entry about a day, and scenarios that would be best for each application.


Vahid, F., & Lysecky, S. (2017). Computing technology for all. Retrieved from


Tik Tok is video sharing application (app) that allows users to upload short videos of less than 60 seconds for other viewers to see. This app allows users with over 1000 followers to live stream and has social media features. The features include commenting and allowing users to like and send videos within the app as well as outside the app. It is free to download and relatively straight forward to use. It has 100 million Americans are monthly active users today (Sherman, 2020).

Tik Tok has great usability. Please see the screenshot with the directions of what each button links to. The thing I like most about this app, is that it is funny and I can look at the videos when I only have a minute to relax. The Videos are short, so I am able to actually take a second and laugh. I also love the recommended videos they suggest. They must have great algorithms, because they are quite accurate, at least for me.

My friends and I send each other videos all the time, so also am glad the app became popular enough that we can send the videos through the app itself. Please see the screenshot of the videos that we have shared with each other. This is even better than recommendations, because they are personalized recommendations from a friend that knows you.  First you find a video to send, then you click on the little white arrow on the left hand side of the screen. This allows you to direct message the video to your friends.

You can pick a friend, and the video shows up in their messages.  It looks like this:

The friend can click the videos and watch them. They can even scroll by swiping up and down through the feed, in the same way from the home screen.

My recommendations are that the searching for videos is nearly impossible. My classmates have had similar issues. They have also suggested parental controls. I saw that a feature was recently added that allows a person to bookmark videos, and this is also helpful. If you hear about a video, it is actually easier to google it and see the Tik Tok video on Youtube then  search in the application. If you click to favorite the video,  it is still impossible to find. I would suggest to have a way to save the favorite videos in folders. Then you can save videos in a more categorized way.

Another recommendation I would have is to create a tv version of the application. I can stream it to my tv, but it is still small. It would be nicer to have a tv formatted app that can be accessed like Netflix and Hulu.

My last suggestion is they fix the share to other applications option. Sometimes it sends the wrong videos if you send it through a text message instead of through the app.

Overall, I really like Tik Tok, and my review is very positive. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020


When creating the Scratch game “Jellyfish Bubbletime”, there was a lot to learn. Please see the game created with Scratch at this website: Jellyfish Bubbletime.  It was interesting to see the way other people worked out the coding. I watched a video that that a child made, and based my game off of his work (Kids Coding Playground, 2020). It really made me think that if he can do this, I should be able to also put something together. I will explain the game, the difficulties, the insights, compare Scratch to other programming languages by describing the differences and comparing levels of difficulty, as well as describe which programming language is the most popular and why.

“Jellyfish Bubbletime” is a simple shooter game created in Scratch. It uses blocks of coding that can be dragged and dropped to create starts, stops, if then statements, sounds, and motion. Scratch made the coding so simple to use, and the possibilities are endless. There were backgrounds and sprites to choose from. I created the game rather quickly considering I have never tried to do something like this before. I wanted to create 2 different objects that could be shot at. I created bubbles for 100 points, while the hearts come to the screen less often, for 1000 points. I changed the speed around a little bit to see if slower would be better. I ended right back where I started, a level that seemed slightly challenging, but could be completed.

I had an issue with difficulty when I realized that my air was shooting straight through the middle of the screen, when it was supposed to follow the jellyfish. The spacebar would enable the shooting, but it only went right from the center of the left side of the screen, so while the jellyfish moved, the air shooting was stationary. I went through the coding on the air shooter and found that I had the correct x position, but the y position was not on jellyfish. Once I fixed this, it started to work.

This gave me some insight into the coding. I needed to be extremely careful with each block. It is important to double check every piece put down. It is also important to ensure that each part of the block is exactly right.  This program makes things simple, as does some of the other best programming languages.

When doing the interactive participation sections in the book, I found that manipulating the codes and testing it was the best way to see if it worked. Machine language is so impressive since someone even dreamed up the idea to program the central processing unit (CPU). Although it seems primitive now, it creates potential for further programming opportunities. I was able to use the binary coding to add 2 numbers and show on the output screen. Assembly language did the same thing but was more readable to humans. After this, the activities showed codes for high level languages such as C, C++, and Python. This was more complicated in the way that coding represented more possibilities. For example, input for assembly language was “01 101 000 000”. Using a compiler, the high-level language lets formulas be translated. Input was “x = input ()”. This allows programmers to program more efficiently (Vahid, 2017).

Comparing this to Scratch, it was similar in process. Put codes together to create outputs. It was quite different because the codes were laid out in Scratch in blocks, that must be dragged and dropped. Scratch also has libraries of backgrounds, sounds, and sprites to choose from. The interactive activities from the book showed simple inputs and outputs to display on the screen. The Scratch website allowed me to create an entire game. This is possible to do with the high-level languages but will most likely be more time consuming to learn. I imagine the high-level programming languages, however, would allow for more freedom (Vahid, 2017). Anything a programmer can dream up, can be made with the one high programming languages.

I found Scratch to be the easiest to use for now. It did look like this website was made for children to learn how to make simple animations and games. The cool thing about Scratch, is that is allows the user to get as complicated with the coding as they desire. If a person were to spend months, I am sure they could create extremely complex games. I think that if anyone were to spend a long amount of time learning any high-level programming langue it would become easier as time went on.

Scratch is a great tool to learn the basics of building codes with” if, then” statements. It offers the opportunity for someone that has never coded to create a straightforward game or animation. I am doubtful that most programmers would try to create complex social networks with Scratch.   If a person was attempting to create a complex application such as “Instagram” or “Pinterest”, then a high-level programming language such as python, C, or C++ would be the way to go.

C is the most popular programming language according to TIOBE (TIOBE Index for October 2020, n.d.).  The reason that it is so widely used, is that a lot of software is written in C already. For example, Microsoft, Windows, Mac, and Mobile are all written in C.  It is widespread through databases, including Oracle Database, MySQL, and many more. These databases are utilized by most types of businesses including banks, media, government, and many more (Munoz, n.d.). The reason C is so widely used is that it is flexible and easily controlled. Because so many strong bases of code were written in C, it is makes sense to build on top of this strong infrastructure, and that is what programmers have done.

Scratch took the codes and lets programmers build their own projects. This assignment was one of the best I have ever had to complete. I learned so much, and it was interesting to learn how to code a simple game. I have explained the game, the difficulties, the insights, compared Scratch to other programming languages by describing the differences and comparing levels of difficulty, as well as described which programming language is the most popular and why.


Kids Coding Playground. (2020, May 29). Scratch Tutorial | Rock Blaster | Easy Beginner. Retrieved from Youtube:

Munoz, D. (n.d.). After All These Years, the World is Still Powered by C Programming. Retrieved from Toptal:

TIOBE Index for October 2020. (n.d.). Retrieved from TIOBE:

Vahid, F. &. (2017). Computing technology for all. Retrieved from