Sunday, March 28, 2021



Operating Systems Uncovered

By: Jasmin Wind

CPT304: Operating Systems Theory & Design (IND2109A)

Dr. Reichard 


Describe features of contemporary operating systems and their structures

Operating System’ functions can be categorized into two sections. One section is the parts of the operating system that are beneficial to the user. The other section is parts of the operating system that are essential to ensuring the operations run.

The parts of an operating system that are beneficial to the user include user interface, I/O operations, file-system manipulation, communications, and error detection. The parts of an operating system that are essential to ensuring the operations run are resource allocation, accounting, program execution and protection and security.  The following few paragraphs will detail each factor (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, pp. 55-56).

User interfaces come in a few forms. Graphical user interfaces are prevalent and used for most desktops, laptops, and smartphones. This is a visible means of cooperating with a computer utilizing elements such as icons, menus, and widows. A command-line interface is just as it sounds and handles instructions from a line of text. One example of this is when Python executes the program from the shell. The batch interface has commands that go into files, and the files are executed, for the most part. Sometimes, those commands are not seen in any visible way (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 56).

I/O Operations, “eye-oh.” is input/output. This is a way for data to be moved from the world outside the computer to the computer. One example is reading information from a disk to the computer memory  (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 56).

File-System manipulation gives the user a place to create and delete files. For example, this can be done on Windows explorer on a windows computer  (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 56).

Communications on an operating system runs between both processes on a computer and outside the computer. Communications occur between separate computers on networks as well. This can happen by shared memory or message passing (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 57).

Error Detection needs to always be running. Error detection can fix some errors, notify the user to fix an error (such as add ink to the printer), or sometimes stops the entire system from running (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 57).

Figure 1

Operating System

Resource allocation includes sending resources from one program that was closed to other programs being used and open. Some devices keep a lot of the apps constantly running in the background while others might close it completely to send resources to the open programs. It takes many factors into considerations such as the CPU speed, registers currently being used, and the jobs at hand (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 57).

Accounting keeps tracks of usage. This can be used to determine what users utilize the most or for charging the customer fees for usage (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 57).

Protection and security ensure that access in controlled. Security is important and includes authentication from users that are authorized to use the operating system or programs. Conversely, it should stop unauthorized users from hacking in. (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 57).

Program execution is simply running the program into memory. It must end either way at some point. Hopefully, the program runs and ends in a normal way, but it can end by error as well (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 56).

Operating systems have so many moving parts, and it is good be able to categorize and organize the types of factors that might be needed for a system. This paper went over both types of functions in an operating system, the kind that are beneficial to the user and the kind that ensure the systems runs smoothly. It talked about the functions of the interface, program execution, I/O operations, file-system manipulation, communications, and error detection. It also discussed resource allocation, accounting and protection and security. Operating System’s functions work in unison to keep the device not only running, but runny smoothly and in harmony with itself (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 57).


If you zoom in on the concept map, you can see that this is a broad generalization on what an operating system can do, and the section on ensuring operations run smoothly has the capacity to cover resource allocation, accounting, protection and security as well as program execution.

Figure 2

Ensuring operations run smoothly, part of the concept map  Figure 1, but zoomed in.

All of these factors contribute to the system running smoothly. Different operating systems might have more space allocated for protection and security or program execution, but this is a way to show that these categories fall into the section of the OS running without complication.

Discuss how operating systems enable processes to share and exchange information

Processes are when a program is executed. It switches from program to process when it performs the program’s tasks (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 108).

Process states are the different stages the process goes through. An example is new, ready, running, waiting, running, terminated. Please see the chart from the lecture and reading based on figure 3.2 (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 108)

Figure 3

Diagram of Process State


Process Control Blocks are information structures. The computer utilizes these blocks to store up all the data about the job or jobs. Please see the chart from the lecture figure 3.3  (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 108):

Figure 4

Process Control Block


Single- and multi-threaded motivations and models

There is an excellent advantage to the multi-threaded models because multiple tasks can be implemented at the same time. The user now expects multiple threads and to be able to do many things on a computer at once. An example of this is when using spellcheck in a word processor. Users expect also to be able to type, as well as receive a notification for a new email to pop up. Students might expect this to all happen while running Grammarly.  The pros also include responsiveness, resource sharing, economy, scalability, and multiple programming. Please see the chart from the reading Figure 4.1 (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 164):

Figure 5

Single and Multi-Threaded Process

Critical-Section Problem with A Software Solution

The critical- selection problem is that only one job can run at one time in the critical section. The solution is to synchronize the different processes. The way to fulfill this is through mutual exclusion (the processes get in line), progress (processes let other processes go if it is not in use), and bounded waiting (time limits on waiting) that can be run through software. (Barnes, 2018) It uses an OS scheduler to determine what process to run.

Figure 6

Process State and Sharing the Critical Section

Figure 7

Process State and Sharing the Critical Section zoomed in on the termination. 

This part of the zoomed in figure above illustrates a crucial part of the process. Each process needs to terminate after using the critical section. This makes room for more processes to use the critical section as well as more room in the memory.

Explain How Main Memory and Virtual Memory Can Solve Memory Management Issues

The goal of memory management is to use the memory most efficiently by utilizing different techniques to load and store only processes that are currently being used (Tutorials Point (India) Ltd., 2018). The memory manages the processes back and forth between main memory and the disk. It also keeps track of the memory locations and free space. Some objectives and functions of memory include basic hardware, the binding of symbolic memory addresses to actual physical addresses, and the distinction between logical and physical addresses. (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 326)

Individual memory areas are needed for each process. In order to measure if there is enough space for the process, it checks the base register and the limit register. The base register shows the lowest space available, while the limit gauges the range (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 326). Please see the concept map below. This illustrates the memory being used.

Figure 8  

Base and Limit Register

It shows that the memory must leave some space for the operating system and the separate processes that are using the memory. The map shows each processes base and limit (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 327).

The CPU keeps the memory secure by comparing all addresses from the user mode to the registers. To prevent a user from writing over codes, data, or accessing unauthorized memory, the CPU hardware handles these attempts as a fatal error. As long as the instructions come from the kernel mode, the CPU can measure the base and limit registers. The following concept map 7.2 illustrates how it allows the instructions to go through if it fits between the registers base and limit (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 327).

Figure 9

Hardware Access Protection with Base and Limit Registers


The binding of symbolic memory addresses to actual physical addresses can be done during the compile time, load time, or execution time. Please see the map below, 7.3 from the reading. If it is already known where the process will be stored at the compile time, then it generates an absolute code. If it does not know where the process will be stored at compile-time,  it will create relocatable codes during the load lime. The most popular type of binding symbolic memory addresses to actual physical addresses is when it is done during the execution of the process. This mapping is completed by the memory management unit (MMU). This relocation register adds the logical and physical together as an address in memory (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, pp. 330-331).

Figure 10

Multistep processing of a user program


Figure 11

Logical and Physical Addresses

Physical Address Space Vs Virtual Address Space As They Relate To Different Memory Mapping Techniques In Operating Systems

Logical address space is generated by the CPU while physical address space is seen by the memory. The logical address space is referred to as a virtual address. A logical address space is a set of all logical addresses generated by the program.  The physical address is a set of all physical addresses generated by the program. Logical and physical addresses are the same in compile-time and load time. They are both different in execution time (Education 4u, 2018).

It is easier to visualize each new program from line 0 and goes until it is done. So each process will be stored in its own logical addresses. When the process gets stored in the memory, the process must be stored sequentially one after the other. This concept map is based on the drawing from the educational YouTube video Solving Skills (Solving Skills, 2020, 7:10). 

Figure 12, Zoomed in part of Figure 13

Logical and Physical Addresses 

With dynamic loading, the programmers can tell the program not to load the entire program at once. It loads the routines as they are called. This helps because then the memory does not need to have room for the entire program at once to run it.  This can be done for the dynamically linked libraries as well. If the system supports more than static linking, then it can use dynamic linking to pull a stub which has the place the information is located. If the information has not already been pulled, it will find it as it is needed (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, pp. 331-332).

Another process to help save memory space is swapping. It can be swapped out momentarily and be brought back later.  This way, processes can run even if there is not enough physical address space (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 332). Part of my concept map is based on figure 7.2 from the reading (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 330). Part of my concept map is based on figure 7.5 from the reading (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 332). The middle section is referenced above from the YouTube video (Solving Skills, 2020, 7:10). 

Here is my concept map to illustration these memory models:



Figure 13


The operating system breaks up the segments of memory as a memory management tool. There is segmented memory, which has blocks of information and there is paged memory which splits up memory into small equal sized sections. The memory can be stored and swapped from the physical memory to the hard drive and back again. When using paged memory, it stores the locations on a page table (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 357-358).

Binding can be done at any time, during compile, load, or execution time. Hardware is required, but the address binding can be delayed until it actually runs.  (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 329).


Explain How Files, Mass Storage, And I/O Are Handled in A Modern Computer System

For most users of computers, the use of files and file storage is second nature. This is where the operating system shows what is being stored. “In general, a file is a sequence of bits, bytes, lines, or records, the meaning of which is defined by the file’s creator and user” (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 478). Files must be named and put into a folder to be saved.

File System’s aim to give I/O storage that is can be organized and accessed by users. This helps to keep track of files as well as have less files with damaged data. One important aspect of a file management system is that it aids the operating system with a standardized view and access of processes. It can also allow more than one user to utilize input and output in a multiuser system’s environment. File systems can coordinate and manage essential information as well as offer a catalog that is able to be combed through for a fast retrieval (GURU99, n.d.).

File operations include creating, writing, and reading a file. They also include repositioning within a file, deleting and truncating a file. Some file systems also can add information on the end of a file and are able to be renamed. Opening and closing a file is also an essential task that must be included in file operations. (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, pp. 480-481).

In order for open files to be able to perform the functions above, they use file pointers to track the locations of the process. The file system count keeps track of what is open and closed. When processes are closed, it makes room for new processes to be opened. It keeps track of this on the open-file table. An open file’s access rights and location can also be managed (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 482).

File directories are the system table that hold the files and shows them with names. A directory has many functions including being able to search, create, delete, list, rename, and navigate through files (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 492).

 Single level directories are the plainest type of directory. All files are in one place. This can create issues, because files cannot have the same name (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 493). Please see the concept map below. It is based on the concept map from the reading (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. figure 10.9).


Figure 14

Single File Directory


Two level directories have the advantage of allowing users to save files with the same name. It also protects files from other users deleting them if those user’s don’t have access. The problem with the two-level directory is that some files would be better shared between users. The solution is to allow sharing. Each user has their own directory (UFD) and it can be accessed by a file path (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, pp. 493-495). The concept map below is modeled after figure 10.10 in the reading (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 493).

Figure 15

Two Level Directory

 Tree structured directories are an extension of the two-level directory.  In this set-up, the directory has a root (just like a tree) and can hold many files and subdirectories for the users (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 495). This concept map below is based on the figure from the reading 10.11 (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 495).

Figure 16

Tree Structured Directories

Acyclic-Graph Directories are made so that subdirectories and files can be shared. When a file is shared, then any user can make changes and the original document will be changed for all users. This is great when working as a team. There are two ways to accomplish the shared file, one way is to duplicate the file, and another is to leave a link with a pointer to the correct location.  (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, pp. 497-498).  The figure below is based on the figure 10.12 from the reading (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 497).

Figure 17

Acyclic-Graph Directories

General graph directories are better, because they can stop the issue of cycles that are created by the acrylic graphs directories. When acrylic graph directories create sharable links, this can produce endless loops of searching.  The general graph directory was created to help with moving between the shared directories and files. It allows cycles and is more flexible. A disadvantage is the cost.  Also, this type of directory will need a trash or garbage feature (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 499). The model below is based on the model from the reading 10.13 (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 499).


Figure 18

General Graph Directory



One essential duty of an operating system is to control their I/O devices. This can be divided into the categories of hardware and software.  

Hardware can include monitors, keyboards, the mouse, the power switch, USB drives, printers, and any other I/O that can be considered a physical piece component of the operating system.  The hardware can be divided into two categories as well. One type is the block devices that transmits chunks of information. An example of this is a hard disk or USB drive. The other is a character device that can deliver and obtain solo characters. An example of this would be a sound card or a serial port (Tutorials Point, n.d., a).

Device drivers are used to help the operating system use the hardware. An example of this is when a person plugs in a wireless mouse for the first time. It takes a moment for the computer to get the driver working correctly. A printer can also illustrate this scenario. The printer is plugged into the computer by plug and socket, potentially a USB for standardization. The device controller and socket are connected. Either the I/O goes at the same time as the central processing unit (CPU) called synchronous or the CPU waits for the I/O called asynchronous I/O (Tutorials Point, n.d., a).

When connecting between the I/O and the CPU, it can happen in three ways. The first is special instruction. This is when it is sent specifically for this one device.   Secondly, memory-mapped I/O is another way, and it has one location shared by both I/O and device. This way, it can transfer information directly back and forth between memory, avoiding the CPU altogether. This is used for the majority of disks and communication interfaces because it is faster. The third way that I/O and CPU connect to hardware is Direct Memory Access (DMA). This happens when the CPU allows the I/O to read and write directly to avoid interruptions (Tutorials Point, n.d., a).  

Now, let’s discuss software. Software falls into three categories. They are user-level libraries (interface for I/O programming), Kernal Level Modules (device driver interacts), and hardware. Hardware, in this case, refers to that software that interacts with the hardware as well as physical hardware (Tutorials Point, n.d., b).

One of the software’s main goals is that it should work with any device with I/O capabilities.  Software components that are made to deal with a specific device are called devise drivers. Device drivers are meant to receive the call from the device’s software, I/O management, and make sure it runs smoothly (Tutorials Point, n.d., b).

One way software is able to keep devices running smoothly is by utilizing interrupt handlers. This is a call-back function in a device driver. When there are interrupts, it figures out why and fixes it, if it can. It requests a stored set of locations to pull the correct routine or function to repair it.

Device-independent software aims to provide the things that will be needed for all software and make it more uniform to use on many devices. It must include attributes such as device naming, error reporting, and device protection. This is different than user-Space I/O software. User I/O software is mainly libraries that allow an easier way to access the kernel.  Accessing the kernel leads to the device driver, and these libraries store procedures for the most part (Tutorials Point, n.d., b).

The kernal I/O subsystem oversees some vital tasks. It can control the scheduling, buffering, caching, spooling, and device reservation, as well as error handling (Tutorials Point, n.d., b).


Figure 19

Zoomed in on general graph directory.


The general graph directory moves between the shared directories and files. As you can see, the arrows come back and forth between Directory 4 and sub-directory 3. It also can have 2 directories sharing one subdirectory as the arrows moving from D2 and D3 both go to SD1.

Outline the mechanisms necessary to control the access of programs or users to the resources defined by a computer system

The protection of the files from users is achieved through the kernel on some operating systems. The kernels check and protect each request to view the resources. This is a big task for the OS to handle, so sometimes hardware is installed to help, or the system designer forfeits some aspects of security. This can happen if the environments are bigger than needed or if the system is not built with enough flexibility.  The goal of protecting resources has morphed into checking both the resource and how the resource is being accessed. Because of this change, application’s designers need to be able to grant access rights along with the OS designers. For this reason, access can be granted through a programming language when designing the program (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 620). This goes over the objectives of the domain and language-based protection in a modern-day computer system, utilizing an access matrix, and how security is used to safeguard computers and networks.

This type of protection, compiler-based enforcement, has pros and cons. One advantage of this includes being able to be written and declared, rather than be programmed on the kernel. They can also be autonomous of the OS. The subsystem does not need to have enforcement already, and the protection can be designed precisely for the type of data it is protecting.  One disadvantage is that the protection will not be as good as it would be from the kernel (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 621). There are a few ways that a programming language can enforce protection. It depends on what the OS already has in place. To use the system currently there, a language implementation might refer to wording that is already in use. When looking at protections from the kernel versus a compiler, the kernel provides more security and less flexibility. Efficiency is tricky to measure because if the kernel has hardware supporting it, then language-based enforcement has the advantage. It can be customized to meet the needs and the kernel calls can be used less, which is better overall (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 622).

An access matrix is a graph of protection. It is symbolized as a matrix graph. It shows the privileges of each process in the domain and which user or object has access granted. Please see the sample access matrix below. This is based on model 13.5 from the reading (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 610). The example below the matrix shows how domain 2 is not allowed to print or execute function 2. This user may not need access or potentially has not been granted access yet. This can help to protect the files. The user with the most access to function 1 is domain 3 because they can execute the file, read, and write, while domain 1 can only execute and read. This is one way to protect the system. Each domain can be a user, process, or procedure (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 605).

Figure 20

Access Matrix


Function 1

Function 2


Domain 1

Execute, read



Domain 2

Execute, read



Domain 3

Execute, read, and write

Execute, write



Security is used to protect systems from threats as well. While protection mainly deals with internal threats, security focuses on external threats such as attacks by hackers or code crackers. The attacks try to break through security by violating confidentiality, integrity, or availability and theft of service or denial of service. Security must consider external threats such as the environment where the network or operating system(s) are being utilized. It is crucial to keep the information safe from users with malicious intent. It is impossible to protect a system from all threats but being aware of the different types of dangers can help to block them.  Encryption and authentication are good ways to fight against some attacks. Another way to add security is to have a monitoring system for intrusion detection software. Good firewalls can also improve security. There is no way to protect from all threats, but some of these tools can help (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, p. 678). Please see the concept map of potential threats I created below.


Figure 21

Security, Protection and Threats

Figure 22

Zoomed in on the access matrix from figure 12 above.

This shows the access matrix allowing Domains 1-3 to execute and read on Function 1. Only Domain 3 has permissions to write in Functions 1. Domain 3 has the least access, as this domain does not have permission for function 2 or the printer. This access matrix depicts the permissions and can be updated.

Recommend How You Will Use These Concepts About Operating Systems Theory In Future Courses And/Or Future Jobs

Operating systems on the inside were new to me at the beginning of this course. I knew it was complicated and intricate, but not much else. After meticulously studying the pages of the reading, I discovered this subject does not come easy to me. I would read and re-read the selections for the assignments. I struggled through it, but the discussions and additional texts helped. This is important information for a major in computer science. It is an essential material to build upon in future courses because there is no part of the information technology field that will not come back around to how the actual operating system works. This course will be a great base to build the rest of the information technology courses on top of securely. When we talk about any subject such as a memory or security and protection, I will now have a visual in my mind and a strong understanding of the exact components that are being dealt with in the OS. I will take this knowledge and develop it throughout my future courses and my career. The information gained in this class will enrich future courses due to my newfound understanding. It will also help me to be better equipped for my job ahead.




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